Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Now I gotta get my friends to start writing stuff, and maybe make this prettier. heh.
In the meantime, if anyone wants me to review something, please let me know!
Maybe that numbskull Phil will figure out to actually post his reviews rather than comment on mine this time.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children [dvd]

So I picked up the new Final Fantasy movie... Funny thing with me and those games, I don't like playing them that much- too much time spent with menus, and planning out how to spec witch weapon, etc... But I like watching the cinematics, because those are the reward for getting through all the game play parts. haha. I'm substantially oversimplifying here, of course. So, I did play about half of FF7, and I understand why it's such a big deal, so I picked up the DVD, also because Phil was hanging out tonight anyway. Luckily, there was a little refresher on the DVD that recapped the story from the game, because the movie assumes you know most of what's going on. Not that it's terrible if you don't- the flick is beautiful, and the action is great. It's really what "Spirits Within" should have been.
I should get Phil to comment on this, cause he's way more into it than me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I started this bareass blog with this bareass post because my plan with this one is to post, and let my friends post, review of games, movies, and dvds. Everyone does it, but few people have the same eccentric taste, so maybe somebody will get a kick out of it. this is purely for fun until we get so kickass that people want to pay us.
Thank you.